SQ Telecom LLC

Modern view of
information technology
and global communications

CRM from SQ Telecom

Everything that can be automated
should be automated!

© SQ Telecom Team

Network monitoring and support SQ Telecom

Network monitoring
and technical support

© SQ Telecom Team

Customization of software SQ Telecom

Customization and tuning of software
for individual business needs

© SQ Telecom Team

Cloud solutions SQ Telecom

Cloud technologies and IT services for business
Optimization and reduction of IT costs

© SQ Telecom Team


We design secure corporate networks, telecommunications systems, implement CRM, SaaS solutions to automate business processes

How orchestrating IT infrastructure and implementing CRM will help your business

Security. You will have a secure IT infrastructure and a corporate network. We carry out 24-hour monitoring of customer equipment, develop cybersecurity policy. Our security management system ensures that your confidential data is securely protected and you always have access to it.
Reliability and redundancy. Services and data are located in a group of servers (cluster), which are located in different data centers. The failure of one node/server does not lead to the stop of all services. Load balancing and resource scaling ensure stable and smooth operation.
Keeping track of contacts, transactions, orders, customer requests will be simple. We will develop and implement a cloud CRM system to manage customer relations.
It organizes the accumulated data and facilitates its processing. We will provide individually tailored cloud solutions that utilize cluster database management systems such as PostgreSQL, Oracle, MySQL, MariaDB.
It automates business processes. We will pick software, customize VoIP PBX Asterisk or other software to very specialized needs of the business.
Lower expenditures. Increased performance and efficiency.
SQ Telecom IPv6 Ready

Digitization, automation and migration of business online.

We ensure you have remote access to the workplace, VPN/IPSec service.

We build telecommunication systems and data transmission networks using equipment from Cisco Systems, Juniper, Extreme Networks, Huawei, HPE, Dell, EMC, NetApp, Ubiquiti, Intel.

Corporate Network from SQ Telecom

All our services are IPv6 and IPv4 accessible.

We are partner with top Ukrainian and European telecom operators: Kyivstar, Eurotranstelecom, Datagroup, Infocom, Lifecell, Volz, Vodafone, Slovak Telekom, Fiberax, Cogent Communications, Hurricane Electric, etc... We are also a member of the Ukrainian traffic exchange point UA-IX and Giganet-IXN.

We advise clients, help them to pick the best solution at affordable price, accompany on the basis of outsourcing. The cost of SQ Telecom services and tariff plans are calculated individually for each client.

We implement solutions that allow you to gain advantages over competitors, improve the quality of customer service, help enterprises increase their profits and reduce IT costs.

We connected to UA-IX


SQ TELECOM, LLC has joined the Ukrainian IP traffic exchange point UA-IX and has become its full member.

We have registered the SQtelCRM® trademark


SQ TELECOM, LLC received the exclusive right to use the SQtelCRM trademark and registered the SQtelCRM.UA domain. From now on, any use of the SQtelCRM trademark without the ...

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